Reiki Instruction for You
Have you experienced a Reiki Session and feel compelled to share that wonderful gift with others?
Whether you wish to journey on to becoming a Certified Reiki Master Practitioner or you just want to be able to give and perhaps receive Reiki with your friends, pets, family, and others; you are cordially invited to attend any or all of the levels for Reiki class instruction.
For Usui Reiki, the levels and brief descriptions are these:
Reiki I: Receive the first attunement with the Power Symbol. Meditation and Reiki sharing included with concentration on class members and environment. Learn how to use Reiki with others.
Reiki II: May be combined with Reiki I during a weekend intensive training. Learn Japanese Reiki Techniques, such as Byosen Scanning (detecting where Reiki is needed); Gyoshi-Ho (sending Reiki with your eyes); Koki-Ho (using breath to send Reiki); Jacki-Kiri Joka-Ho (clearing objects of negative energy). Learn Reiki II symbols and how to use them. Receive attunements for Reiki level II.
Advanced Reiki Training (ART): One day intensive class includes the Usui Master attunement which increases the strength of your Reiki energy; receiving the Master Symbol, which increases the magnitude and effectiveness of the Reiki symbols; Reiki Meditation; how to make a Reiki Grid; how to use Crystals and Stones; how to remove negative energy from yourself and others; plus preparation for those planning to continue on to Reiki III/Master training.
ART is a prerequisite for Reiki III/Master and may be joined with them as first-course of 3-day intensive program.
Reiki III/Master Practitioner: A 2-day intensive which includes the complete Reiki III Usui/Tibetan Master attunement; instruction on how to give Reiki attunements for Reiki I&II and ART and full Reiki Master; 2 Tibetan Symbols are added to your tool bag, for a total of 6; plus much time practicing giving and receiving Reiki. A class manual is included. This class is a powerful healing experience.
If you think you might be interested in learning Reiki, Lisa suggests you try Reiki I and see if this resonates with you. Classes should be spaced so you have ample time to practice your newly acquired healing enhancements and the Reiki has time to settle in with you. Each level/set establishes within a gradually longer time frame (for example: Reiki I/II back-to-back or minimum 21 days apart; 3-6 months for the other levels). There is no hurry. You have the ability and you will know, intuitively.
Lisa is Certified Reiki Master Practitioner and Instructor, and Professional Member with the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT); having additionally completed all her levels through Tracy Houchins, ICRT Licensed Instructor.
If you wish to establish a class and location for Lisa to teach, you will receive a discount as sponsor. Please contact Lisa to discuss.
~The world needs more healers~