Reiki in the Medical Community
Alternative and Complimentary Healing Methods are becoming more accepted in main-stream (Allopathic) medicine, and more hospitals are realizing Reiki has a place in helping their patients heal.
Insurers are also recognizing that not only Chiropractic and Acupuncture methods are beneficial, and some are starting to acknowledge Reiki, as an alternative, and complimentary to Western Medicine.
Doctors and Nurses, while already hands-on, benefit by being more connected to their patients intuitively and energetically, without needing to become too connected, emotionally. Reiki energy, flowing through the Practitioner to Patient, can promote well-being and expedite healing for your patient. Reiki goes where it is needed and you, as Practitioner, can rest assure that you are a conduit, and therefore retain your Professional Relationship with your client, the patient. This is one part of your job you may also wish take home with you and share with your family. Once Reiki attuned, you can call upon this energy for any situation.
Several hospitals already offer Reiki courses for their medical and support staff, including:
- Johns Hopkins Hospital
- University of Maryland Medical Center
ICRT Article – Reiki in Hospitals
Lisa is more than happy to come to your organization and conduct Certified Usui Reiki Classes of all levels and various class sizes.
Please feel free to contact Lisa now to discuss what your organization needs to enhance your offerings to your staff and patients.